Schedule for the Fast of Nineveh

Divine Liturgy services will be held on:
  • Monday, February 6:  4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday, February 7:  7:00 AM - 9:00 AM
  • Wednesday, February 8:  8:30 AM - 10:15 AM
  • Thursday, February 9:  6:00 AM - 7:30 AM

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    Contemplations on The Feast of Jonah 
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    In the Book of Jonah, God wants us to know an important fact: that the prophets were not of a different nature but were people "with a nature like ours" (James 5:17), having weaknesses, shortcomings and faults, and it was possible for them to fall like us.

    Jonah's pride was the reason for his disobedience, and to an extent, he was self-centered. He was not able to abnegate himself for the sake of people's salvation. His reverence and honor were more important to him than the salvation of a whole city! God however, was able to turn evil into good.

    If it was through Jonah's obedience that the people of Nineveh were to be saved, it was through his disobedience that the mariners would be saved. Therefore, my brother, try to benefit from all the incidents and tribulations that you encounter.

    But God endured Jonah's disobedient and obstinate ways. He endured him until He reformed him.

    Jonah was thrown into the sea, yet he was not thrown unto death. God's mercy still held him, so he might not perish or drown.

    So should you be, blessed brother.
    If the Lord prepares for you a great fish to swallow you, do not fear, neither be troubled, nor grieve. Be careful not to complain for the whales of the sea of this world are many. Instead, from inside the belly of the fish bless the Lord as Jonah did.

    The Book of Jonah gives us a comprehensive idea of how God detests sin and yet at the same time has compassion on 
    sinners and seeks their salvation.

    It is possible for God to use punishment, as He wants us to reach Him by any means that suits us.

    God endures in winning sinners, and sees that he who does not repent today, may repent tomorrow, and he who does not repent now, may repent later.

    We trust that God desires and is able to lead us to repentance like the people of Nineveh. When Jonah depended on himself in disposing for his own problems and when he depended on his mind and his own will, he failed completely. But when he resigned to God's hand, God was able to perform a deed by him and it was successful.

    May we take from this story a lesson to live the life of obedience to God and may we consecrate to God a truly repentant heart during this 3 day fast.